Hi, I'm Megan
Communication Coach & Editor
Clear, confident communication is your key to success. I help you unlock the door.
I have a passion for language and believe words can make a difference. After receiving a master's in International Relations from Tsinghua University and living abroad for the last 12 years, I understand that clear and effective communication was the key to building strong relationships. I have dedicated my career to bridging the gaps between people, nations, and cultures.
Now I work with clients across the world to help prepare them for living and working abroad, collaborating on international teams, or serving a global audience.
Getting a bit personal...
When I'm not working, I'm a fierce advocate for women and accessible mental healthcare.
In 2021, along with a local therapist, I co-founded Project A in Beijing so that survivors of domestic abuse could access affordable counseling.
For 2 years (2022-2023) I volunteered for the United in Healing project, which runs online support groups for survivors of sexual trauma in China.
I still continue to support the international women's community in China by managing the Female Health Empowerment Network WeChat group.
Fun facts about me:
- I love crossword puzzles and riddles
- I lived in Beijing for 11 years
- I completed the world's highest bungee jump 4 times